141847 review-time-turmoil-dark-days-politics-0 time-turmoil-dark-days-politics-0 http://www.facebook.feedback/review-time-turmoil-dark-days-politics-0 25067 8 8 8 0 0 0 In this time of turmoil and during the dark, dark days of politics and pandemic, Returning the Favor has been a bright light. RTF is the kind of positive, uplifting programming that is sorely needed in today’s crazy times. I look forward to every episode and I'm beyond sad about this. So are millions of others. Please take a moment to reconsider this decision. Thank you for bringing this show to fruition to begin with. The world needs it. <p>In this time of turmoil and during the dark, dark days of politics and pandemic, Returning the Favor has been a bright light. RTF is the kind of positive, uplifting programming that is sorely needed in today’s crazy times. I look forward to every episode and I&#39;m beyond sad about this. So are millions of others. Please take a moment to reconsider this decision. Thank you for bringing this show to fruition to begin with. The world needs it.</p> 2021-02-01T20:18+0000
Feb 01, 2021

In this time of turmoil and during the dark, dark days of politics and pandemic, Returning the Favor has been a bright light. RTF is the kind of positive, uplifting programming that is sorely needed in today’s crazy times. I look forward to every episode and I'm beyond sad about this. So are millions of others. Please take a moment to reconsider this decision. Thank you for bringing this show to fruition to begin with. The world needs it.